LED Facials

LED Facials

The surprising benefits of LED facials If you have been following us, or indeed any salon offering facials then you are bound to have seen the LED Phototherapy facial mask before. But despite its strange and some may say creepy appearance, there are some surprising...
Comfort Eating During Lockdown?

Comfort Eating During Lockdown?

How you can help yourself and your waistline! Lockdown is an emotional time isn’t it and there is a large number of us who are comfort eating to deal with their emotions and for the most time, out of complete and utter boredom! You are not alone. Here at Totally...
Fat Freezing – In the Spotlight

Fat Freezing – In the Spotlight

Fat Freezing! It’s our most popular treatment but what is it, how does it work and what can you expect from it? What is Fat Freezing Fat Freezing, which is sometimes referred to as brand name CoolSculpting (also known by the technical term, Cryolipolysis) is a...
Spotlight on Shockwave

Spotlight on Shockwave

I post a lot about 3D Shockwave on my Facebook page. Here at Totally Transformed we use 3D Shockwave to reduce cellulite and for skin tightening. Cellulite Formulation of Cellulite Cellulite appears when fat deposits enlarge and push through the connective tissues of...
Stay Hydrated!

Stay Hydrated!

Water is a wonderful thing. Our body is made of, on average, 50-65% water. So it makes sense that we need to replenish water lost daily. Only 6% of British adults drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and stay hydrated! That is a staggering amount of British...
Healthy Living

Healthy Living

It isn’t as hard as you think to live a healthy lifestyle! A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle which improves and maintains your physical and mental well being. Eating right, getting exercise and generally taking care of your own well being. But for some reason,...