Treating a Mummy Tummy

Pregnancy can have a lasting effect on your body, particularly your stomach.
You may have gained weight during your pregnancy which you are struggling to lose. Lots of women develop a mummy tummy or an apron fat on the belly or feel self-conscious about loose skin and stretch marks.
Quite often we find women struggle with a combination of all of the above and can have a profound effect on your confidence.
Whilst cosmetic surgery may be an option for some, for many women, surgeries such as tummy tuck or liposuction are out of the question due to costs, recovery time and the possible risks.
We offer a range of non-invasive and non-surgical treatments that can help to remove belly fat, tighten loose skin and improve stretch marks. If you are struggling to lose your baby weight, we also have a weight loss program to help you lose those excess pounds.
Factors to Consider

Pregnancy is a BIG thing
You shouldn’t underestimate the changes that it will cause. Whilst you may be keen to get rid of your post-baby belly, it is also important to allow your body time to “recover” and hormones to return to normal before embarking on any aesthetic treatments or surgery. We would recommend waiting for 3 months after giving birth before having any treatment.
To regain your pre-pregnancy figure, it’s important to look at your diet, exercise, and lifestyle as well as options for cosmetic treatments.

If you have gained weight during pregnancy then following a weight loss plan should be number one on your list to get you back in shape. If you are breastfeeding this can help you lose weight more quickly as your body burns more calories making milk. Breastfeeding also releases hormones that shrink your uterus, helping your stomach return to normal quicker.

Sleepless Nights
Sleepless nights can play havoc with your blood sugars and ability to lose weight, so it’s important to get as much rest as you can even during the day.

Your abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, called diastasis, and these can be slow to knit back together and, in some cases, may never reconnect. We recommend doing core strengthening exercises to encourage the abdominals back together. We don’t recommend abdominal crunches but exercise such as Pilates or Yoga is ideal to help you on your way to a flatter stomach.
Treatments for a Mummy Tummy
We offer three different treatments to target and reduce Inner Thigh fat. Depending on your individual concerns you may require a combination of these treatments to achieve the best results.

Shockwave Therapy targets the causes of cellulite. Breaking down fat cells, softening rigid connective tissue and increasing collagen to bring firmness to the skin. Increasing blood supply and lymphatic drainage to eliminate waste and toxins whilst boosting oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This improves the appearance of orange-peel, dimpled skin. A course of 8 – 12 is recommended for best results; can be combined with HIFU or Ultrasound Cavitation for enhanced results

Fat Freezing is a clinically proven treatment that can destroy and remove excess stomach fat. Popular areas when treating a mummy tummy is the upper and lower abdomen and the flanks or love handles. We recommend up to 3 sessions for the best results.

Ultrasound Cavitation can help to slim down, lose inches and reduce belly fat using ultrasound. The ultrasound breaks down and reduces the size of the fat cells. Results are instant and cumulative; a course of 8 treatments is recommended for optimal results.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening uses heat energies, high-intensity ultrasound, and radio frequency to build and remodel collagen within the skin. This helps to gently tighten loose and sagging skin caused by pregnancy. Adding in BTL Exilis – The first and only device to simultaneously combine radio frequency & ultrasound to tighten skin and address body concerns from head to toe A course of 4 treatments is recommended.