Do you struggle with body concerns like crow’s feet, a double chin, or even bingo wings?

Whatever your body concern, we’ve heard them all here at Totally Transformed. Subsequently, we’re certain that we will be able to help.

We understand that baring your body and discussing your body hang-ups is a private matter. That’s why we will always be completely free of judgement.

At Totally Transformed, we believe in feeling your best self and that’s what we want for each of our customers.

In this blog, we’ll go through our recommended non-surgical treatments for some of the most common body ‘hang-ups’ we hear about!

Body concerns: Crow’s Feet

Crow’s Feet are characterised by wrinkles that appear around the eye area.

They are typically caused by the aging process; however, they can be made worse by poor skin care and environmental damage. Once these lines appear, they will gradually worsen over time unless intervened with treatment.

Factors to consider:

  • Poor skincare routine
  • Smoking
  • Sun Exposure
  • Genes

Treatments for crow’s feet include HIFU Ultra and BTL Exilis Ultra 360.

The latest non-surgical technology using both HIFU and Micro-Macro Focused Ultrasound (MMFU) is HIFU Ultra. This new technology delivers a non-invasive lifting treatment for the face, neck, and body. Click here to learn more about our HIFU Ultra treatment.

The BTL EXILIS ULTRA 360 is an exceptional device offering treatments for different skin conditions. Click here to learn more about our BTL Exilis Face treatment.

Body concerns: Double Chin

Does your chin have a twin?

There are lots of people who feel unhappy with excess fat and loose skin underneath the chin. Double chins can develop with weight gain and can also be more prominent as you get older – especially as your skin becomes less taught and fat settles around the jawline.

Factors to consider:

  • Weight
  • Lifestyle
  • Ageing

Treatments for a double chin include HIFU Ultra, Fat Freezing, and BTL Exilis.

Best for stubborn pockets of fat. 360 Fat Freezing is a unique non-invasive treatment.

Fat Freezing is clinically proven to break down fat cells. As a result, there is a 20-40% reduction of body fat in the areas treated without damaging the surrounding tissues. Click here to learn more about fat freezing.

Body concerns: Bingo Wings

As many as 75% of women feel self-conscious about their bingo wings.

Bingo wings develop not only from excess weight but also due to the aging process.

Are you looking for ways to treat your bingo wings without going under the knife? You may be surprised to know that there are highly effective, non-surgical procedures that can help treat your upper arms.

Factors to consider:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Hormones
  • Lifestyle

Treatments for bingo wings include HIFU Ultra, Fat Freezing, and BTL Exilis.

Body concerns: Mum Tum

Pregnancy can have a lasting effect on your body, particularly your stomach.

You may have gained weight during your pregnancy which you are struggling to lose. Lots of women develop a mummy tummy.

Factors to consider:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight
  • Sleepless nights
  • Diastasis

Treatments for a mum tum include shockwave therapy, fat freezing, ultrasound cavitation, and radio frequency skin tightening & BTL Exilis.

Shockwave Therapy targets the causes of cellulite. Breaking down fat cells, softening rigid connective tissue, and increasing collagen to bring firmness to the skin. Click here to learn more about shockwave therapy.

Ultrasound Cavitation can help to slim down, lose inches and reduce belly fat using ultrasound. The ultrasound breaks down and reduces the size of the fat cells. Click here to learn more about Ultrasound Cavitation.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening uses heat energies, high-intensity ultrasound, and radio frequency to build and remodel collagen within the skin. Click here to learn more about Radio Frequency Skin Tightening.

Here at Totally Transformed, we even offer a Mum Tum Makeover Package which includes:

  • 1 x Belly Blaster Fat Freeze
  • 5 x Cavitation & RF Body Contouring

Body concerns: Cellulite

Women of all shapes and sizes can struggle with cellulite. Diet and exercise might help, but many people find it hard to eliminate with lifestyle changes alone. Cellulite is made up of a combination of enlarged fat cells, toxins, trapped fluid, and hard connective tissue.

Factors to consider:

  • Genetics
  • Diet
  • Dehydration

Cellulite treatments include BTL Exilis, Ultrasound Cavitation, and Shockwave Therapy.

Book your appointment today!

You can call us on 07776 801513, you can visit our online booking system or you can send us a message on  Facebook and Instagram.

Alternatively, visit our website for more information.