Fat Freezing Therapists: Get to know us

Fat Freezing Therapists: Get to know us

Fat Freezing Therapists at Totally Transformed Our clinic is family owned and run by mother and daughter team Denise and Sarah. Both of us know firsthand the struggles people have with their body shape and since we’ve experienced them ourselves. However, we also know...
Common Body Concerns

Common Body Concerns

Do you struggle with body concerns like crow’s feet, a double chin, or even bingo wings? Whatever your body concern, we’ve heard them all here at Totally Transformed. Subsequently, we’re certain that we will be able to help. We understand that baring your body and...
The Menopausal Belly

The Menopausal Belly

Have you noticed a change in your belly as you’re approaching the big 50? Don’t worry! This is a completely natural process that every woman experiences at some point. As you get older, you may notice that your periods are becoming more sporadic or shorter than...
Chin Freeze: Say goodbye to the double chin

Chin Freeze: Say goodbye to the double chin

Goodbye double chin, hello jawline! Do you avoid selfies or having your photo taken at a certain angle in case it shows a double chin? It’s not uncommon to feel unhappy with excess fat and loose skin underneath the chin. Double chins can develop over time with weight...
Introducing the new Ultra HIFU treatment

Introducing the new Ultra HIFU treatment

HIFU Ultra High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has become one of the most popular non-surgical lifting treatments. The HIFU treatment is a non-invasive way of lifting the face, neck, and body. This means you can achieve lifting results without going under the...
The new Totally Transformed: Something’s coming

The new Totally Transformed: Something’s coming

As we’re sure our existing clients are aware, Totally Transformed is a mother-daughter-run business. We’re so proud of how much the business has grown from where it all started. With this in mind, we’re looking forward to what comes next. Here at Totally Transformed,...